The lack of in-service training for teachers using new resource books under the Outcome Based Education has greatly lowered the standard of learning for students.
This was stressed during the launching of the National Book Week celebrations in Lae this morning.
Lae MP, Loujaya Kouza was present during the launching and donated newly published books, which will complement teaching resources in schools in Lae.
Teachers and students gathered yesterday morning at the St Mary’s Primary School to launch the National book Week as well as receiving new donations of resource books from the Lae District JDP & BPC.
These books were compiled and published by local teachers to enhance students learning in Primary and secondary schools around the country.
However, teachers want in-service trainings to be conducted about the new resource books so that students can fully understand what they teach or read from the books.
Sam Nalong is one of Morobe’s longest serving teachers. He says reading materials have been far long missing in the new reform of the education system.
Since the introduction of the Outcome Based Education (OBE), teachers have been required to do a lot of research work in order to teach their students.
While concentrating on research work, there hasn’t been much time set aside to create reading materials for the students.
With the resource books made available to schools and teachers undergoing intensive training on the contents of these books, it would improve the learning standards in schools.