A major touch rugby competition is expected play out in Popondetta Northern Province during Independence Week.
The Kokoda Cup touch rugby competition has attracted teams from Port Moresby, Lae and Alotau to participate in the inaugural event.
The Popondetta Touch Association will be using this as preparation for the 6th PNG Games in Lae later this year.
Northern Governor Gary Juffa is patron of the tournament.
Touch Rugby is the only sporting code in the province that has been dominant on the national scene and the Popondetta Touch Association is a proven force to be reckoned with.
The Association is looking to defend its gold medal in the upcoming PNG Games. In the lead up to the Games, the Association is to host the Kokoda Cup touch rugby tournament.
The tournament will be a test to the team’s performance against some of the best associations in the country.
The team has been put under a strict training regime to build their fitness.
Fitness trainer Farapo Makura is not taking things lightly. He said players’ fitness is still not up to par and wants players to be serious with their training.
Tournament organiser Copeland Gewa has commended the provincial government for their support in developing sports in the province.
He said the idea is to promote the sporting and cultural significance of the inaugural event. Sponsorship is yet to be secured but the organisers are confident of hosting the event.
An award of K10, 000 will be up for grabs and teams are expected to register to participate.