ThPNG Karate Team arrived yesterday from Gold Coast in Australia after been away for a combined martial arts tournament.
They arrived with smiles asthey walked out atthe arrival at JacksonsInternational airport carrying withthem wheretheir medals and trophies.
The team of 15 includingthe four officials where congratulated and greeted my friend and families.
For some ofthemthe smile wasthe only way to conveythe message of winningthe medals.
The Coach was happy withthe outstanding effects put in bythe team andthe comradeshipthey had to keepthemselves up while inthe competitions.
He also thankePNG and saidthe country should be proud ofthe Achievements.
The team of fifteen fighters competed in cadets division, 16 to 17 years division, 18 to 19 divisions andthe adult division.
The whole team will also compete inthe Australasian Karate Tournament here inthe country onthe 4th tothe 5th at Don Besco TechnologicalInstitute Hall in Port Moresby.
The two main events arethe Kata, and Kumite.
The events have different categories including children, cadetojunior, seniors and veteran fighters.
PNGKF will select 50 out of its 109 train-on squad members for the festival.