Information, Communication and Technology or I.C.T, is an essential part of any economy, as the future of businesses become more technology-based.
And to establish the potential of ICT in PNG, the European Union funded an ICT Cluster Strategy Workshop, for the public and private sector, in Port Moresby recently. The objective of the Workshop was to lift the standards of productivity in ICT firms, and understanding key impediments that need to be addressed.
A survey was undertaken covering 26 ICT firms in Port Moresby, including some from other provinces in the country. The survey focused on 3 key issues that need to be addressed. Training & skills, the importance, cost and accessibility of bandwidth, and funding required for startups.
The ICT Cluster described bandwidth as one of the key constraints that continue to hinder the ability, particularly of small businesses to access high speed internet, or bandwidth as it’s technically known.
The more bandwidth in the country and more bandwidth for small businesses, will ultimately lead to more efficiency and productivity in their communication dealings.
Paula Norris from the European Union’s implementation arm, BizClim, stressed the importance of ICT in the field of education and health.
The Workshop was jointly facilitated by the Business Council of PNG. Executive Director, Douveri Henao, said ICT plays a pivotal role in credible information that Government and Private Agencies require, for their policy implementation.
He further explained that ICT has the potential to drive PNG’s economy forward, in terms of quality health and education, including other significant sectors.