A concert withthetheme ‘Icons for Tomorrow’ commenced on Friday at Vision City in Port Moresby.
The concert was aimed at providing awareness for youths to be aware of existing organizations that will help to makethem productive citizens.
It was organized bythe Higher Vision band to create a platform where organizations come togther to target youths living in Port Moresby.
The Icons for Tomorrow, or IFT concert was a two-day event that started on Friday evening and ended yesterday.
The concert was organized with performances of song and dance from young individuals. This was done to attract youths to be part ofthe eventoas many young people show interest in entertainment more than lectures on important topics such as corruption and violence.
IFT also complimentsthe Government’s efforts in addressing issues affecting youths.
Self-development organizations such as 1000 strong men against family violence and CPL Youth Empowerment Transformation, or YET, were some ofthe organizations that existed but were not well known. The concert gavethem a chance to be known.
A member ofthe CPL Youth Empowerment Transformation was happy he was part of a self-development organization. He said that joining this group has kept him physically and mentally fit.
Pastor Oswald Tamanabae fromthe Higher Vision band said that this is justthe beginning of many more events ofthe same kind.