
Harange Village: Health Service A Problem

Life without an aid post in rural areas is very challenging. But it is even more risky when you have to cross raging rivers to get to the nearest health center.

This is exactly what the people of Harange village in the Northern Province go through every day, just to seek basic medical care.


Harange village has been without an aid post for the past 7 years, making life difficult for the people.


Harange village is an hour’s drive out of Popondetta Town. But to get to the village, a major obstacle must be overcome, the Kumusi river.


The river is the lifeblood of the people, but has become problematic.


Every day, men, women and children risk their lives to cross the river to go to work, school and to the nearest health center.


Most deaths experienced in the village are that of pregnant mothers seeking medical care by crossing the river.


They say, in a month, three mothers die just by doing that.


The nearest health center, Saiho, is 24 kilometers from the village.


Sometimes, if the villagers are fortunate to make it across the river, they will have to pay K50 for the ambulance to take them to Saiho Health Center.


The aid post has been nonexistent for the past seven years. What is visible on the proposed site of the aid posts are bush material timbers.


The villagers are resilient enough to build an aid post for themselves, and have started clearing the site.


But the lack of support from relevant authorities would mean it would take months or even years before an aid post is finally built.


For now, the people would have to continue with their normal routine, while waiting for that much needed service.

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