Treasury Minister Don Polye’saysthe government is now looking at investing in Agriculture. He saidthe government’stands ready to inject millions of kina into small scale agricultural enterprises.
The treasurer returned yesterday from anInternational Summit in Italy. Upon arrival minister Polye announcedthe government’s invitation to development partners to assist in agriculture.
He saidthe government is ready to invest millions intothe agriculture sector. The government is embarking on a new type of program through Government direct equity participation.
This now meansthe government is encouraging investors to partner in agriculture to make a return onthe investment.
The program will target small scale farmers and small –medium enterprises that will integrate into impact agricultural programs.
This large scale concept influences small scale farmers to benefit from existing markets.
Minister Polye’saidthe government is committed to allocate funds in next years’ budget for these programs.
Michelle Amba, National EMTV News