The first part ofthe Commission ofInquiry report intothe Special Agricultural Business Leases was presented tothe Prime Minister yesterday.
The Prime Minister received Chief Commissioner John Numapo, Commissioner Alois Jerewai and Commissioner Nicholas Mirou at his office yesterday.
The men apologized tothe Prime Minister Peter O’Neill for the delay. They saidthe task was enormous and that itthey needed to thoroughly identifythe problems.
This isthe first part ofthe commission of inquiry report intothe Special Agricultural Business Leases (SABe). It deals with governance issues ofthe COI.
The second part will be presented later this year. It will be aboutthe seventy five inquiries intothe SABes.
The Prime Ministersaid details of this report will be made available to stakeholders. He said from this reportoa policy framework will be drafted.
The SABe inquiry was introduced onthe 29th of June 2011, by Sam Abal when he was acting as Prime Minister underthe Somare Government.
An estimated 5.2 million hectares of customary land was listed under Special Purpose Agriculture leases, which had a time period of 99 years.
Normal lease are granted for up to twenty five to forty years only.
Three months wasthe time frame given to complete investigations but a delay in funding as well asthe need to cover seventy five locations throughoutthe country wasthe problem.
Bernadette Efi, National EMTV News