Lae police say investigations into the clash between the Buka and Sepik settlers in Lae haven't uncovered any break through yet.
Lae's police boss, Iven Lakatani says successful investigations hinge on community participation. But that hasn't been the case since the clash broke out about a week ago.
It is of common knowledge that in every occurrence of trouble that takes place, mostly in the settlements in Lae, there will always be people who know the trouble makers.
“The people have to take on the responsibility as well to cooperate with police in the investigations”, Lakatani said.
The lack of cooperation has prolonged police investigations in bringing those responsible to justice.
Mr. Lakatani said people had refused to cooperate with police to hand over the trouble makers.
Mr. Lakatani said people had refused to cooperate with police to hand over the trouble makers.
In the meantime, Mr. Lakatani says Lae police are relying on sketchy information to lead them to the trouble makers.
The recent clash comes amongst a series of violent clashes in Lae which had left more than 14 houses burned to ashes and 5 people brutally killed during the encounter between the Sepik and Buka settlers at Lae's Backroad area.