The National Disaster Centre launched for the first time, a public awareness campaign on hazards and disasters in PNG
Vice Minister forInter-government relations, Joseph Sungi, was on hand to officiatethe launching of a National Disaster Risk Management Plan for Papua New Guinea
He commendedthe current government for fundingthe National Disaster Centre with Fifty Million Kina, making thisthe first government fundingthe center has ever received.
The Launching took place atthe Public Administration Hall in Port Moresby, where several key stakeholders, includingthe U.N office for the co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs,the JapaneseInternational Cooperation Agency,World Bank,International Organisation for Migration, Ausaid,
National Maritime Authority andthe Department for Provincial Affairs, were in attendance.
Also present to withness and engage in awareness exercises were students’from various Primary and Secondary schools in Port Moresby.
Fitting tothe launching was entertainment fromthe Sirovoi Choir group fromthe Autonomous Region of Bougainville, who are living examples of lives marked by climate change and human conflict.
UN Resident Co-ordinator, David McLachlan-Karr, stated that management of disasters is a serious issue and awareness isthe key for educating young people, particularly in assisting communities to cope with natural disasters. He shared a crucial message fromthe United Nationsorld Meteorological Organisation.
“The predictions are not great. Fromthe United Nationsorld Meteorological Organisation,the predictions are thatthe world will suffer more dramatic climatic patterns inthe next 100 years than ever in recorded history,” said McLachlan-Karr.
There will be more unusual wether patterns so we need to be prepared.”