By Tamara Pia Agavi
Papua New Guinea’s very own singing sensation, Danielle Morgan is no stranger to the music industry. She has been involved with the music industry since high school.
Danielle spent most of her childhood in Rabaul with most of her family still residing in the idyllic volcanic province. Her singing inspirations started when she listened to the greats like, the Kania’s, Felix Yausi, the Barike Band and the international oldies, Smokies to Spanish heart-throb Enrique Iglesias.
In a phone interview with the beautiful and charming Danielle, she recalled her initial thoughts when she first got the call that she was the winner of Pacific Break.
“I was with my mum and then Mereani Masani walked in at the exact moment they called me. I went completely blank, and thought to myself. Is this even happening,” recalled Ms Morgan.
She then realised that she was on live as seen from the Pacific Break video. Her musical career includes twenty plus singles , songs she has recorded on her own and also collaborating with other artists in the likes of Cammy Bee, Mereani Masani , Estapacifica to name a few.
For you all the fans of Danielle’s music, she is planning to release her new album ‘Hopefully’ next year. Asked why she named her album hopefully, she said it signifies ending one chapter and starting of a new chapter. She expresses the song with a mixture of genres from local dialect to English and an awesome collaboration with a big name artist on her upcoming album.
With numerous under her belt, the singer, song writer and mum, has taken over not only PNG and the Pacific by storm but the international music arena as well. Her songs range from a soulful mix, reggae, and a bit of Island style beat.
She alluded that wining the Pacific Break has opened doors for her music and has made her travelled extensively in Australia. She thanks her family, especially her two children for her success and her supporting team at RLK Media (Really Lost Kids) and Hope Media team, as well as all the artists that she has had the privilege to work on songs with.
She left with a word of encouragement to any upcoming artists as well as any established artists emerging on the local and international scene. “Go for it, taking part in it is an experience in its self, and knowing your worth and standing up for your intellectual rights as an artist.”
“PNG has a music scene and not much a music industry, and artists who put many hours into their work are sometimes not compensated for their intellectual rights” said Morgan.
For this powerhouse of a woman, skies the limit as she continues to belt out new singles on her own and also with other collaborating artists.
Tune in to your number one to watch, EMTV tomorrow, Friday the 13th of October and follow Danielle’s remarkable journey as she takes it to the international stage.