Concerns over misapplication of Special Support Grants by provincial governMen’s and districts in host of mining towns were raised in a recent MOA meeting in Kokopo East New Britain.
Mining Programme Planner for the Department of National Planning and Monitoring, Mark Goiye, said the department realizes that government officials responsible for these funds are not familiar with the set guidelines of disbursement.
Mr Goiye said one of the provisions in the guideline states that SSG funds must be spent on projects exclusively in districts that host mining projects and impacted areas, and not in other districts.
He said the end result of misapplication of funds is that host districts miss out on development and infrastructure benefits.
This year, a sum of over fifty million has been allocated for the mining provinces.
DNPM has also begun conducting these educational awareness campaigns during MoA reviews which is a good opportunity for the department to educate parties on the requireMen’s and guidelines.