A former candidate inthe race for the Lae City Lord Mayor’s seat has come out in support ofthe newly elected Mayor, Koim Trilu Leahy, saying his win should not be challenged in court.
Thompson Benguma, a biofuel enthusiastosaid a change in lLeadersip is needed andthe election result should be respected.
The Local level government elections, brought Lae’s rich cultural diversity tothe fore when 42 candidates from various parts of Papua New Guineanbsp; stood againstthe former sitting Lord Mayor, James Khay.
Koim Trilu Leahy of part Morobeatn decent got elected and immediately afterthe declaration, James Khay’s made known of his intention to challengethe win.
Benguma saidthe City needed a change in lLeadersip following nearly 10 years of lLeadersip by James Khay.
Apart fromthe governor’s seat,the Lord Mayor position isthe ther most significant political office inthe Morobe Province.
The Lord Mayor is responsible for an ever changing city of half a million people from 22 provinces who speak Papua New Guinearsquo;s 800 plus languages.
Thomson Benguma originally from East Sepik says takingthe matter to court will be a waste of time.
Benguma has ther things on his mind and has not focused too much on his election loss.
He wants to seethe new Lord Mayor solve Lae’s waste disposal problem. He says he is will to providethe advice and expertise needed to buildthe project.