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Australian Foreign Affairs Minister Confident of PNG Officials Dealing with Matter of Alleged Assault of Two Refugees

Following the alleged bashing and arrest of two refugees in Manus, Australian Foreign Affairs Minister, Peter Dutton, has expressed confidence in the Papua New Guinea authorities.

Minister Dutton said from reports, both had acted beyond local laws. Dutton expressed this after hearing facts surrounding the circumstances when the two Iranian refugees were arrested.

The Australian Foreign Affairs Minister said PNG officials are capable of dealing with refugees who act unlawfully.

Despite more calls from the Refugee Advocate Coalition for Australia to investigate the incident, Mr Dutton said he has confidence in PNG officials to handle the matter.

According to Police in Manus, the two Iranian men were alleged to have been under the influence of alcohol and acted disorderly in Lorengau town and were confronted by police and Immigration officials.

Manus Provincial Police Commander Senior Inspector, David Yapu, told EMTV News, both have refused arrest and relevant force was used to arrest the two refugees.

Both were released on bail and are awaiting to stand trial at the Lorengau District Court.

In a separate incident, police in Manus arrested another three refugees on Monday.

The three refugees aged between 26 and 28, were out drinking in public, and being a nuisance around Lorengau town.

Manus Acting Provincial Police Commander Senior Inspector, David Yapu, said the trio were arrested and later released on bail. Inspector Yapu said the three Bangladeshi refugees will appear at the Lorengau District Court on Friday, January 6.

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