An attempt to arrest Taskforce Sweep Team chairman, Sam Koim, and suspended police officer, Thomas Eluh this morning has prompted a meeting next week.
This meeting will be for all police personnel within National Capital District.
This resolution was reached after Koim and Eluh fronted up at Boroko only to find out that there were no charges for them to answer to.
After getting information that a certain group of policemen were out to arrest the duo, they decided to voluntarily go in for questioning at the Boroko Police Station at 2pm this afternoon.
Both said after coming here they found out that there were no charges laid against them, and that even the hierarchy in NCD and Central were not aware of this.
Refusing to say where there’Orders were coming from, and which command in particular was trying to arrest the two, NCD Metropolitan Superintendent Perou N’Drenou said there is a division amongst police in NCD.
A resolution was reached after a meeting this afternoon, and that is for all police men and women to meet on Tuesday next week.
Police Commissioner, Geoffrey Vaki has been invited to attend this meeting.