
Arore Concerned Over Lack of Investment In Research

Minister for Higher Education, Research Science and Technology David Arore has expressed concern overthe lack of investment in research inthe country.


He made this remarks duringthe inaugural national research science and technology workshop, held in Port Moresby on Wednesday.

A collective approach is expected to be sought fromthe workshop to pushthe government for more funding to drive research in science and technology to developthe county.


Papua New Guineafor the past 21 years has mainly been a consumer of innovation.


This means it has been importing technology and knowledge fromthe outside to develop itself, rther than creating its own.


ThPNG Science and Technology Act passed in 1992 to promote science and technology and innovation has never been fully utilized.


The NEC and government in May this year set upthPNG Research Science and Technology Council to look into this.


The council held its first meeting in Port Moresby with researchers fromthe public and private sectors to define clearlythe research agenda ofthe country.


Minister Arore emphasizedthe importance of research in science and technology, asthe key to development.


At least K3 million has been allocated to Universities to support broad range of research activities since 2007.


Head ofthPNG Research Science and Technology Council Professor Lohi Matainaho says Universities must make ittheir priority to partner with industries to carry outtheir research.


ThPNG Research Science and Technology council and its secretariat will be a new government entity, operating independently but withinthe given legislative framework.

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