Siva Shan Imports and Exports Limited in Papua New Guineahave rebutted claims that its products are illegal.
Siva Shan Imports and Exports (PNG) say claims that portrayed its products as contrabands were not true.
This followed a recent news report in which British American Tobacco claimed thatthe government was losing millions in revenue through rogue dealers not paying required taxes.
Santhira Sagaran, Director ofthe company that imports and exports cigarettes brand named FAME, fronted up at EM TV to raisethe concern.
“We don’t bring any products from China or ther places illegally,” said Sagaran.
“The Company was officially giventhe import and export permit bythPNG Government throughInvestment Promotion Authority,” he said.
Mr Sagaran added that his products were not cheaper but at a reasonable costoand British American Tobacco who has been monopolisingthe market has made such statements to tarnishthe reputation of companies like Siva Shan.
“Siva Shan Imports and Export is a Malaysian based company…we have established in Papua New Guineabased onthe economic interest of both Malaysian anPNG Government,” said Sagaran.
It was also acknowledged that due tothe government regulations against advertisement of tobacco products, FAME cigarettes would seem new and considered as contrabands.
Mr. Sagaran said he had all business documents and approval fromInvestment Promotions Authority setoand says required taxes tothe National government are being paid.