A well-known retail business has been cleared after a mix up during the triple six scare in the nation’s capital.
Workers from “Nambawan Trophy Haus” were attacked after they took a wrong turn at Boreboa Primary School last week. The victims were left traumatized, however, in a gesture of good faith, the company today decided to donate sporting equipment to the school.
It was a case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time.The vehicle seen here belongs to Nambawan Trophy Haus. On that day, they were trying to deliver sporting goods to Morata Primary school.
Unfortunately for them, they weren’t quite sure where the school was, and they ended up at Boreboa Primary, where the scene of an injection scare, eventuated earlier in the morning. Rumour had it that Asian looking men along with two men from PNG, had injected students with the mark of the beast or triple six. So when the vehicle arrived, the coincidence of Asian-looking men in it, sparked suspicion.
Luckily, the police arrived on time to save the men from the emotionally charged public. Today, sectional head for Boreboa Primary, Mike Kuta, was apologetic. Human Resource head of Nambawan Trophy haus, Julienne Kassman, as a sign of good gesture, conveyed that the company had no ill feelings towards the school, that it was a misunderstanding.
They handed over a number of sporting items over to the head teacher and staff of Boreboa Primary. The school has suspended classes for a week now since the incident. Apparently, a teacher was the target of an angry mob of parents and the public. The school is waiting for compensation to be paid before classes resume.