Public Service Minister Sir Puka Temu has backed complaints thatthere are inefficiencies inthe provincial administration.
Service delivery ranging from road maintenances to improverments in education inthe Morobe Province has been delayed due to lack of urgency in paper work.
Since 2006the province has had an average growth rate of 2.7 per cent contributing to Papua New Guinearsquo;s streak of maintaining growth rates abover 6 per cent since 2007.
“The Prime Minister has declared this yearthe year of implementation so funds must not be hindered by paperwork,” said Public Service Minister Sir Puka Temu.
The Government has improverd budget planning inthe last nine years gaining confidence from private sectors and potential investors to improverd infrastructure in Lae city such asthe roads.
While 250 million kina has been injected into fixing up major roads in Lae City duringthe past four years, work still remains uncompleted.
The Prime Minister, Peter O’neil, was in Lae overthe weekend to checkthe roads that has been receiving government funding for a long time.
“People have decided to come into Cities for services such as hospitals and roads, we need to build infrastructure to meettheir demands,” he said.
The Lae Chamber of commerce has exposed Lae city as a good place to investobutthe inefficiencies inthe public services is costingthe province.