Deputy Head Teacher of Enequai Primary school in Kurumbukari area in Usino Bundi where the Ramu Nickle Mine is says they are yet to receive any benefits from the mine.
John Okun, said the school is operating in the heart of the mine yet there is no water supply and even electricity to power the school.
Enequai Primary is a school operating out of Kurumbukari where the Ramu Nickle Mine is.

It has about 15 teaching staff and at least 750 students including the elementary.
The students are mostly from within the impact villages where the mine is operating.
Deputy Head Teacher John Okun said the school has not received any support from the mine and they are still waiting on the mine to help them.
“one of the very important things that we do not have is the classroom.. and the library books, we (also) don’t have a library books, we don’t have text books, we don’t have so many of the things that students (will use to) benefit”
The headteacher told EMTV their classrooms have no desk and chairs for students to sit on and learn forcing students to sit on the floor.
Another problem is teachers’ accommodation. Most teachers live outside of the school campus and go to work.
“I think (the) MRA has built three staff houses and two double classrooms, since mining operations began (but) since then there has been no help from the company”
Meanwhile, proper water supply system and electricity needed in the school are still not there.
Teachers argued that water is an important aspect for any school to operate. However, it is not the case for Enequai Primary.
The school is not happy with Ramu Nickle Mine as they claim they have not seen any viable support from the mine.
Martha Louis – EMTV News, Madang