Education Finance Health News Papua New Guinea


A two days’ workshop on Corruption Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plans for the Public Sector Departments has ended successfully with participants gaining skills in identifying corrupting practices in their organisation.

The participants were from the Selected Social Law and Order Sector (SLOS) departments in education, health and mining.

“The workshop has enable participants to have the skills to implement preventive measures and controls to mitigate risks to reduce the incidence of corrupt practices within your offices.’’ said Dr. Alma Sedlar, Chief Technical Advisor of anti-Corruption under the United Nations Development Program.

Throughout the presentations and interactive discussions, the participants gained knowledge on essential tools on how to identify corruption risks and develop corresponding mitigation strategies in their respective departments.

With knowledge acquired from the workshop, participants were expected to complete draft pilot mitigation plans for their respective offices, which will then be further discussed and endorsed by the senior management teams in each respective department.

‘’Conducting risk assessments will promote transparency by identifying and addressing weaknesses in institutions and organisation, this process supports a culture of accountability and transparency” said Josephine Pitmur, Deputy Secretary, Department of Justice and Attorney General .

The workshop was conducted by UNDP as part of the European Union funded Preventing and Countering Corruption in Papua New Guinea Project (PNG Anti-Corruption Project), in collaboration with the Department of Justice and Attorney General(DJAG).

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