By Jack Lapauve Jr – EMTV News, Port Moresby
The PNG Fire Service Department is in the stages of introducing the Australasian Inter-Service Incident Management System (AIIMS).
This is a management system allowing for multiple agencies to access a standard approach in counteracting fire emergencies and disasters.
Chief Fire Officer, Isaac Silas, says this approach is more convenient when approaching fire hazards and minimizes its effects.
“It’s a new system we believe PNG can use to overcome fire hazards in the country,” Silas said.
He added that the new approach will firstly be introduced in three phases.
“Phase one is awareness, phase two is regional workshops and phase three is training of officers,” Silas said.
The AIIMS system does not only cater for fire related disasters but other natural disasters and emergency events in sport and global meetings.
The Fire Service Department is hopeful the AIIMS program will work effectively and efficiently in the country.
Queensland Fire and Rescue Services facilitated the one-day training.