Settlements inthe city precincts will not be removerd, according to NCD Governor Powes Parkop.Instead he says,they will be turned into Suburbs. He madethe announcement during a Christmas luncheon for media.
Settlements likethe Eight Mile Settlement will soon become a suburb. Governor Powes Parkop has said that evicting people from areas such asthese is notthe answer.Instead he has proposed giving land titles tothe people living here.
This is welcome news for the residents as roughly over 2000 people live withinthe Eight Mile settlement area. The housesthey have built are shanties.
It’s Powes Parkops vision to develop an inclusive city, one that caters for all. He told media yesterday that he is preparingthe NCD for greater developments ahead. The economy will not bethe same.
“Every day is an opportunity, tomorrow might never come”, Parkop Said.
The visionary leader said Port Moresby has a role to play as a service centre. Bet gettingthe basics of life right first isthe way to go.
The eight mile settlement will bethe pilot projectoto follow suit arethe Nine Mile andthe ATS settlements.