When it comes to gold, people go to great lengths just to find it, even if it means mining their backyard.
That’s what one man in Popondetta Northern Province is doing to find gold bars believed to be buried in his back yard during World War 2.
Raymond Saripa is optimistic to hit the jackpot and it seems, nothing will stop his quest for Gold.
Fifty year old Raymond Saripa is from Kakandetta Village in the Northern Province.
He is married with 7 children and 14 grandchildren.
He’s a retired transport manager, turned self-professed gold miner.
A title bestowed upon him by residents in Popondetta town for his quest for gold in his backyard.
He started digging for gold in 2009, and five years on, there are no signs of him stopping.
The hole is estimated to be 5 to 6 meters deep. Much of what he’s doing is based on history that gold bars were buried here.
So far he has found fresh water which his family has come to depend on, but there is no gold in sight.
But he’s optimistic he will soon hit the jackpot.
He says it’s a past time that he loves doing on his free time with the help from his family.
But residents in Popondetta have expressed concern about his passion.