Prime Minister Peter O'Neill was there to officiate the launching of a new conference center at the Lae international hotel.
The event today saw the extension of the national government engagement with the public private business sector in the country.
Prime minister O’Neil says, although Lae International Hotel is a privately owned business, it had contributed a lot into the country’s economy, in terms of providing job opportunities to local people, and also encouraging tourism in the country.
This also comes as Lae city is slowly being transformed into the economic hub of the country.
Mr. O’Neil said Lae should expect be the main driver of the country’s economy.
Other development projects currently under the development process in Lae, includes the Lae Nadzab highway, the Lae port Development, the Lae road upgrade and the Wafi Gold mine in the Wau Bulolo district.
Once these development projects are completed, its also expected to create more job opportunities for the unemployed.