The Lorengau Hospital in Manus became the 7th province in PNG to be declared a Provincial Hospital under the new Health Reform.
The declaration gives Manus people a more service oriented hospital.
It now has one management structure, a financial and accounting system, a monitoring agreement, and one line of reporting and accountability.
These are all in accordance with the provisions of the Public Service Management and Public Finance Acts.
Mr Pasco said, he wants to see an improvement in health indicators for the province and nurses and doctors must be at their work stations to assist patients.
In the meantime, the access to health service in Manus is an expensive exercise. People travel in from outer islands to receive medical help.
The declaration of the new status coincided with the launching of a new digital X-ray machine.
Mr Kase is confident that working in union with provincial health authorities is the way forward to deliver health services in their provinces.