Service to the country without life, medical, funeral, accident and emergency insurance is now a thing of the past for the 5000 plus police men and women in the country.
Police Commissioner Tom Kulunga signed the force’s first ever insurance coverage with Chief Executive Officer for the Asian Pacific Insurance Brokers Limited, Robert James Ralewa this morning in Port Moresby.
Part payment of K2 million was also presented to the Insurance Broker today.
The Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary has never offered insurance for its members since its establishment over 40 years ago.
The signing ceremony this morning was a breath of fresh air for the hierarchy, and the force.
Part payment of K2 million was also made this morning.
This will see all uniformed and civilian members of the police force, and their families, enjoy the benefits of life, accident, emergency, evacuation, funeral and medical insurances.
This was not the only good news for the force; there is no waiting period for payouts, single female officers’ pregnancies, and cash benefits for guardians who are taking care of ill or injured officers, personnel living with HIV and AIDS, parents of spouses, emergency and evacuation within PNG and overseas are all covered and cater for as well.
All insurance claims will be assessed at the Police headquarters by the human resource division and delivered to the Asian Pacific Insurance Brokers limited for processing.
The only delay in payouts will be for those officers particularly in the remote areas, depending on how effective the communication mediums available and used.