Two Melanesian countries are mourning the death of colleagues who passed away on two separate incidents over the weekend.
One of the deceased is from the Solomon Islands and the other from Fiji. The Solomon Islander was found dead in his hotel room while the Fijian collapsed in Vision City.
Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister Boka Kondra, on behalf of the Papua New Guinea National Government expressed his sympathy to the families on the two diseased.
The two died in the course of the fifth Melanesian Arts and Culture Festival and Mr Kondra said Papua New Guinea National will ensure the bodies are repatriated safely to their countries.
In the meantime National Cultural Commission Acting Executive Director and Festival Chairman Dr. Jacob Simet also shared his sympathy.
The bodies are currently at the Funeral home.
The Solomon Islander will be flown home tomorrow, while the Fijian will wait until the delegation departs next week.