Kurumbukari landowners in the Bundi district of Madang have apologized to Ramu NiCo Management for the mob attack on the KBK Mine last Monday.
Today, Chairman of KBK Landowners Association, Mathew Denguo, said the attack was done by a minority group and does not represent all the landowners.
Mr Denguo said the act was criminal in nature and uncivilised, bringing shame to the landowners and disruption to the project.
Mr Denguo, who is also a KBK local, asked his people to understand that the project will deliver benefits including royalty, equity, land compensation, business opportunities, employment opportunities and other tangible benefits in the next 20 to 40 years of operation and they must not be shortsighted.
“We are discussing their grievances on the project quarterly meetings and other stakeholder meetings including employment issues and these things will take time. I urge them to be patient,” Denguo said.
The attack last week saw mine equipment, including five excavators and one fuel truck completely burnt, two excavators damaged and an attack on 5 Chinese employees.
The mine is now back to conducting normal operations.