The Registrar of the Political Parties and Candidates Commission, Dr Alphonse Gelu, believes that the political parties system in the country is in dire need of a review.
In an interview for EMTV’s Tok Piksa program, Dr Gelu explains that recent proposed amendments to the Organic Law on the Integrity of Political Parties and Candidates are necessary for PNG’s political future.
The changes, which were finalised and given NEC’s stamp of approval to go through to parliament, drew wide criticism from prominent public and learned persons.
However, this hasn’t deterred Dr Gelu, from defending the changes, saying they are necessary for the country to grow and move forward.
Since the proposed amendments to the Organic Law on Political Parties and candidates were made public, the commission Dr. Gelu himself, has been the target of much insinuation.
The most glaring being the commission influenced by the current ruling political party, People’s National Congress Party, headed by Prime Minister Peter O&rsquO’Neill.
Dr. Gelu says the amendments were from the commission’s own research and findings.
Since the last parliament session, Dr. Gelu has continued defending the amendments, and explaining the addition to section 145 of the constitution, which deals with votes of no confidence.