Lae Police have raised the alarm over the increasing cases of rape of children between the age of one year, six months and fifteen years old.
The Lae Sexual Offences Unit reports that up to fifteen children are raped per month in Lae City.
Investigators say people who live in the same home or nearby are often the culprits.
The Lae Sexual offences Unit report that close to twenty children are raped every month.
First Constable, Michelle’sibong says rape of children between the age of one year six months and fifteen years old has risen this year.
The Unit operates with a skeleton staff of five investigators including several trainees; they get five new cases per day.
Most of the rapes reported come from the settleMen’s surrounding Lae City.
The victims often need extensive counseling from experts that are lacking. Police have tried to help by sending Victims to get counseling from Non-government Organizations.
Lae’s Rape statistics sends a warning to the Madang Province and the rest of Papua New Guinea.
Madang Provincial Authorities are now facing a similar trend because of the influx of people into the Province.
Madang Police opened a new Family and Sexual Violence office several days ago, to deal with its backlog of rape cases.