The Department of Petroleum and Energy has been called on, to complete the clan vetting process in South East Mananda, and Moran PDL 2 and PDL 5.
Chairman of the Aporo’uri Resource Owners Association, Paul Yawe, is concerned; his people will miss out on royalty and equity payments.
They also want the government to honor all ministerial commitments from UBBSA and LBBSA.
The Department of Petroleum and Energy launched a massive Clan Vetting & Identification exercise starting at Portion 152, and was supposed to have ended at PDL9, however, this has never eventuated.
Landowners of South East Mananda, PDL 2 and 5 in the Kutubu area, have missed out on this vital process; a process that will eventually determine PNG LNG beneficiary clans in preparation for the Benefits Split Meeting, that is to be held later in the year.
Chairman of the Aporo’uri Resoruce Owners Association, the group’s umbrella company called on the department to immediately complete this process in their area or explain why it was aborted and when this will resume.
He also called on the government to honor its ministerial commitments made during the LBBSA and UBBSA signings in Kokopo and Tari.
His deputy, Jack Uma, backed this call for the government to give to the landowners what is theirs.
In the meantime, Prime Minister Peter O’Neill told parliament last week that a stock take will be done on all funds released, under the LNG project, to ensure money has been put to good use before other commitments are fulfilled.