In this episode:
Advancements in technology have played a massive part in the growth of businesses around the world, and at the heart of this technological advancement is the internet. The use of the internet has transformed societies and today it has become such a powerful tool, so crucial, that some businesses simply cannot do without. Many countries are now developing even faster means of accessing the web, while reducing the cost of accessing it for its users.
This episode covers PNG’s national broadband network – the nationwide project that will increase internet speeds, while hopefully bring down internet costs. But getting this infrastructure up and running is no easy job. Like any other big project, establishing the national broadband network is facing many challenges and it requires a lot of hard work to get it over the line. A lot of business activity is going along with it and various companies are engaged in the project.
The episode also covers women entrepreneurship. As business and entrepreneurship gets bigger in today’s world, the issue of gender equality continues. More women are actually involved in business now, with some holding key positions.
Although a lot of work still needs to be done, PNG has been addressing the issue quite effectively. Women getting into business in a male-dominated culture is very challenging indeed, but there are some courageous women who are taking the lead in this and are encouraging other women to do so.
Business PNG joins the US Embassy in Port Moresby, together with the Department for Community Development, who hosted the PNG Women’s Forum last week, coinciding with the International Women’s Day. One of the topics that came up was growing entrepreneurship amongst women in Papua New Guinea.