Elementary Teachers from Amazon Bay in the Abau District of the Central Province have raised concerns on the shortage of classrooms to cater for students finishing Elementary studies.
There are ten elementary schools with only one primary and two community schools in the inland Amazon bay area.
The elementary schools are acting as feeder schools to the primary and community schools but there is not enough space for the elementary students.
Elementary teachers from the Amazon Bay area who are attending a creative phonics workshop at the Sacred Heart Teachers College in Bomana Port Moresby are concerned about the shortage of Primary school teachers in their area.
Currently, there are 20 elementary teachers compared to three primary and community school teachers.
Also there is a shortage of space in the primary and community schools to cater for students coming out from the elementary schools.
Aiva Homuru, the Standards Officer for Elementary Schools in the Central Province, confirmed the situation is not good in the area.
He blamed the teacher shortage on the poor service delivery mechanism at the district level.
Acting Principal of Sacred Heart Teachers College, Theckla Aknonero, says the government is not doing enough to assist rural schools to achieve universal basic education.
Most of these teachers have expressed interest to upgrade to primary school teachers and the Sacred Heart Teachers College hopes to assist them with the help of their provincial government.