Education Health Life News Papua New Guinea Programs Southern


By Samantha Solomon

The Port Moresby General Hospital staff will now have the opportunity to take up public servants training with the Somare institute of Leadership and Governance.

This following a memorandum of understanding signed between Port Moresby General Hospital and the Somare Institute of Leadership and Governance (SILAG) in Port Moresby yesterday.

The agreement would enhance, promote and develop mutual dialogue and coorpetaion between the two organization in the areas of capacity building.

PMGH chief executive officer Dr Paki Molumi said that such training would help staff understand hospital corporate plans and work alongside to achieve the national government’s goal in the health sector.

“Signing up with the key agency SILAG who involves in such staff training will allow SILAG to train Port Moresby General Hospital’s staffs and management in planning in all aspects of leadership.” Dr. Molumi said.

SILAG chief executive officer Michael Barobe said that SILAG’s function was to train public servants to be competent and the main focus and heritage of that name and that functions were still continuing all though to date.

“Our job is simple to train public servants to be competent and have a capacity to develop government’s goods and services.” Mr. Barobe said.

“All of us are trained in different fields some in the medical field we are trained on how to handle the patients so we need competencies and capacities on how to implement those plans, we need management plans, human resource plans, finance plans and all these things we need to have to have a better outcome.” He said.

He further said they were working on making SILAG certificates compulsory in order to become a public servant.

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