Sport in West New Beitain Province have been boosted with five hundred thousand kina funding fromthe Sport Enhancement Program.
The development of Sport atthe provincial level is a key priority for the national governmentoasthe country prepares to hostthe Pacific Games in 2015.
Minister for SportoJustin Tkatchenko, has been spearheadingthe drive to ensure funding fromthe sports enhancement program trickles down tothe sub national level to develop sports.
The K500, 000 presented tothe West New Beitain Provincial Government will be used for all sports inthe province.
The funding is timely, asthe province will also hostthe 201PNG Games.
Kimbe has produced some ofthe best athletes, withthe bulk ofthPNG 7’s team, coming fromthe Kimbe Rebels who arethe champioPNG 7’s team.
Governor Muthuvel hopes to putthe funds to good use to meetthe national governments priority.
So far five provinces have benefited fromthe Sport Enhancement Program with more to follow suit.