West New Britain Provincial Government stands ready to implement two priority impact projects. These are mainly in the maintenance of oil palm roads and strengthening infrastructure.
Governor Muthuvel announced a K208million provincial budget. The province, home to 50% of the oil pumps roads of the country, has put its development as its priority. The budget also focuses upon the economic development of the province with an emphasis on stronger infrastructure.
The province has also welcomed a partnership with the Indian Government for a four-lane highway estimated at USD100 million.
The governor estimates annual internal revenue to be K72 million.
The province has also planned to impose a sales tax on selected items like beer and cigarettes to garner more revenue which is estimated to add K3million to the provincial revenue. An estimated K10million of unspent money from 2017 has also been added to the 2018 budget.
The Governor also emphasized on the need for more intergovernmental partnerships for the growth of the province.