Minister for Civil Aviation and Member for Esa’ala, Steven Davies, told parliament this morning that K80 million has been allocated to renovate some ofthe run –down airports inthe country.
Girua Airport is strategically located in Popondetta inthe Nothern Province serving not only Oro but also nearby Morobe, and parts ofthe Highlands region. They are mostly lured into Oro Bey bythe thriving betelnut industry.
However, in recent times, landowners ofthe Girua Airport have threatened to shut it down. The government intervened with promises to settle landowner issues. Today in parliament Sohe MP, Delilah Gore, askedthe Minister responsible for an update.
Minister Steven Davies admitted that Girua Airport was strategically located inthe Papuan Region. He said Girua is one ofthe most run-down airports that have been neglected in terms of maintenance and upgrade.
“… this government is making available K80 million worth of construction works. That has been ear marked and that isthe project that is at stake…” Mr. Davies said.
The government has also invested K40 million to upgrade Vanimo Airport.
“… this government is arranging for an investment of K40 million which will be made available if not bythe end of this year, by early next year. The tenders will be out onthe 19’s up>th and ifthe process is be completed quickly works should be commence onthe Vanimo Ariport…” Mr. Davies said.