Sacked Ministers, Don Polye and Mark Maipakai have accepted the Prime Minister’s decision.
The two former Ministers held a news conference this afternoon in the company of members of the Triumph Heritage Empowerment (THE) party.
Mr. Polye said he will focus on his district, his party and his portfolio as the Chairman of International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Mr. Polye, also THE Party leader, spoke on behalf of his members including Kikori MP Mark Maipakai, humbly said they will not challenge the Prime Minister’s decision but rather work alongside him.
Mr. Polye said THE Party’s parliamentary wing presented their party’s position to the Prime Minister today as a coalition party.
He said the party’s resolution is to remain intact with the O’Neill Dion government.
The sacked Minister said he believes in political and economic stability, the very reason the Prime Minister had sacked him for.
He said he will focus more on his electorate, his party and stay committed as to his portfolio as the chairman of the IMF.