Several police personnel believed to be from the six mile station in the Nation’s Capital and under the influence of alcohol, destroyed properties belonging to a security company Pacific Corporate Security Services.
The incident happened on Wednesday at around 7:45 pm at the company premises.
According to eye witnesses: “It was during the power blackout when police arrived and fired gun shots in the open air that caused fear to the security personnel who were in the premises including the nearby settlement.”
Stray bullets left marks on vehicle windscreens.
Several properties destroyed include the main glass door leading to the main office and the main telecommunication operation room.
Witnesses say these policemen walked away with 10 two-way radios including private properties belonging to the commanders of the security company.
Security personnel present at the time were also beaten, sustaining minor and serious injuries.
The Pacific Corporate Security Services Management have condemned the undisciplined actions and called on the police hierarchy to investigate the matter.