Entertainment News Southern Sport Volleyball


PNG Ports Marlins put out an outstanding game beating Pacific Palms Property three sets to nil claiming bowl title in Season 5 of Port Moresby Corporate Volleyball Competition (POMCVC), in the Grand Final of the women’s division.

Chief Executive Officer of PNG Ports, Neil Papenfus, congratulated the Marlins for an outstanding season and thanked them for being great ambassadors of PNG Ports.

He commends the Women’s team for their win and encouraged the players to continue to work harder for more success in the coming seasons.

Mr Papenfus also thanked the organizers for initiating the competition that provided a platform for

companies and their staff to engage in sports and some form of physical activity which is vital in

promoting staff wellness.

Marlins’ Women Team captain, Molong Kilol, acknowledged and thanked PNG Ports for the continued support throughout their sporting codes.

“The competition was more than just a game, it was a great opportunity to interact and network

with fellow team members and competing teams while trying to keep fit,” Molong said.

“We are proud to represent PNG Ports and look forward to take part next season,” she said.

PNG Ports Marlins has participated in nine seasons of the POMCVC. Both teams have performed

exceptionally well, making it into several grand finals and finals playoffs in the competition.

This year’s season started in March, with a total of 39 teams from various organization in the

Nation’s capital taking part.

POMCVC is the biggest volleyball competition held in Port Moresby and was initiated in 2011. The

competition not only searches for talent but also aims to promote fitness and healthy lifestyle.

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