Overthe past 25 years, public servants face hurdles of salary, retrenchment and industrial issues. This will now be a thing ofthe past.
It was a small but special occasion for the majority of public servants throughout Papua New Guinea Three significant public services agreements were signed bythe Department of Personnel Management andthe Public Employees Association in Port Moresby last week.
The signing is a result of extensive negotiations betweenthe two parties overthe past 12 months, in improving terms and conditions of public servants.
Personnel Management Secretary, John Kali, and Acting President of PEA, Anna Igo, signedthe agreements inthe presence ofthe senior officers andthe Public Service Minister, Sir Puka Temu.
Speaking beforethe signing, Mr. kali said this is a key achievement for public servants.
The 3 Memorandum of Agreements include an MOA on salaries, allowances and benefits, which will see an increase of salary averaging at 7.5 per cent. Redundancy and retrenchment in Public Service and maintenance of harmoniousIndustrial Relations, this is to prevent disputes and solve differences through dialogue and consultation betweenthe 2 parties.
The 2 parties affirmedtheir mutual commitment to work togther as partners in development and nation building.
Public Service Minister, Sir Puka Temu, embracedthe partnership and called for all public servants to improver service delivery mechanisms.
The 3 MOA’s will be implemented starting 2014 to 2016, with emphasis on public servants in rural areas.