
Launching of Police & Private Security Neighborhood Watch Partnership

The Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary launched the Police & Private Security Neighbourhood partnership today.

The partnership is between Police and 12 established security firms within NCD.

Policing in the City has been a challenge; with the increasing population being a major factor, police cannot be everywhere all the time.

The way forward is to embark on partnerships with the private sector, other Government agencies, NGOs and communities.

The RPNGC has been looking at simple and easy to achieve strategies to combat crime in the City and this is the first of many other partnerships they will be embarking on.

Police and Security both operate in the same industry, that is, the security industry.

However Police are for public safety for all and the security firms have a responsibility towards their clients.

In this partnership, the security firms become the eyes and ears for Police.

Police radio technicians have encrypted a stand alone radio chanel, which links up the participating security firms directly to Police.

Because the channel is encrypted, the security firms cannot access police operations frequency and the same with Police as they all run separate individual operations.

The security firms, put together, cover all parts of NCD and some parts of Central, depending on where they are contracted with an estimated manpower of 1000 guards and 200 vehicles on the road altogether.

It is intended that, when a guard or vehicle crew of a security firm sees – a suspicious person or activities, a crime about to be committed, a crime being committed, a traffic accident or any other issues which require Police attention, they will report to their (security) base, who will contact police through the radio.

The security guards will give real-time information and updates until police arrive at the location.

The security firms will not be carrying out police duties but will only be seeing and reporting.

This will enable police to have real time information.

RPNGC have developed a Standard Operating Procedure, where it distinctively guides the partnership.

This sort of arrangement had been put into practice in some centres, but only concentrated on one or two security firms. For various reasons they never lasted.

RPNGC has learnt from those experiences and have broadened the participation to over 10 firms. These firms voluntarily stepped up to be part of this.

The aim of this partnership is to create a safer community for all.

NCD is the face and gateway of PNG. Investors think NCD is PNG from what is portrayed of the city. In order to help the country grow, the city needs to be made a safe place. Only then will the country see more investments both domestically and internationally, which will create more jobs and build the country’s economy.

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