Residents living along Lae’s outskirts like Bemayong and Back Road includingthe Miles areas wantthe MorobeLand:ransport board to regulate and monitoPMV’s.
A significant portion of Lae’s estimated 500 thousand people live in suburbs onthe outskirts ofthe city andthey wantthe Morobe land and transport authority to make sure that alPMV’s are monitored.
The bus stops peaks during early hours ofthe morning and evenings when commuters usethe buses to mover betweentheir destinations.
Those who are lucky get onthe buses to mover in time totheir destination.
The desperation causes passengers to climb throughthe bus windows to secure a seat and overload buses.
ThPMV buses charge more thanthe normal bus fare whenthey pick passengers up late inthe evenings including charging higher fares for some routes.
The MorobeLands and Transport Beard couldn’t be reached for comment.