
Labour and Indusrial Relations mandate re-visited

Minister for Labour and Industrial Relations Mark Maipakai has commended the recently held Provincial Labour Officers (PLO) conference in Alotau, Milne Bay province.

The annual conference of Provincial labor Officers or PLO’s began on Monday last week with a re-visit of the mandate of the Department of Labour and Industrial Relations.

During the conference, PLOs and senior officers grouped off into their regions and identified need areas for improvement. The working committee noted these issues which will be presented to Secretary Vaso for deliberation.

It was an opportunity for both experienced and upcoming field officers to interact and share views on programs at provincial and district levels.

Minister Maipakai commended Secretary George Vaso for taking the initiative to organize the forum for open discussion of issues and possible resolutions for a way forward.

He was pleased that the department has already taken initiatives like the implementation of amendments and reviews to legislations.

Among these:

  1. The review of the Occupational Safety and Health Legislation which is in its 2nd draft;
  2. The completed Industrial Relations Bill and;
  3. Progress made towards the establishment of the new Minimum Wages Board.

It’s believed these will improve service delivery.

He urged the gathering to embrace the challenges, adapt the changes and be tools for service delivery.

The next PLO conference will be held in Vanimo, East Sepik province.

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