Enga Governor Peter Ipatas sayPNG Sustainable Development should never be politically interfered with.
He saysthe present board is doing a great job and should be retained pending possible changes to OK Tedi mine.
He was speaking duringthe launching ofthe Kompiam Maternity ward project last week.
Kompiam Ambun is located inthe Enga province inthe Highlands of Papua New Guinea The district is classiflied as one oPNG’s 13 extremely disadvantaged districts. It has a population of 77,000 people.
Betthe redevelopment ofthe Kompiam Rural hospital has liftedthe spirits ofthe locals.
The first phase includesthe construction of a new standalone maternity ward with two birthing rooms, en-suite showers and toilets, an area for neonatal resuscitation and monitoring, eight post natal beds and patient laundry, all shielded by privacy screens.
The design ofthe building itself takes it considerationthe surrounding environmentofromthe lack of power tothe climate.
The Architecture involved help from Architects without frontiers and engineers without borders. Betthe locals can claim ownership having builtthe structure bythemselves. A master builder from overseas over sawthe project.
The total cost ofthe project was close to 700,000PNG’sustainable development was instrumental with a funding of 250,000 kina. This was duly noted by Enga governor Peter Ipatas who was present duringthe opening ofthe maternity ward.
Also present was AusAID Tim Beyson who although representingthe Australian government had a childhood inthe district.
Enga Governor Peter Ipatas has pledged two million kina to be appropriated tothe hospital next year.