Four suspects have been arrested in relation tothe K6 million robbery last Friday.
They are all G4S security guards and are now being questioned by police.
Assistant Police Commander for NCD Central Jim Andrews is calling onthe G4S management for cooperation inthe investigations.
With only four suspects arrested so far, he wantsthe investigation to proceed quickly and arrests more suspects and if possible recoverthe money.
Mr Andrews describedthe robbery as well planned.
He saidthe four suspects under police interrogation are all G4S guards includingthe Radio operator.
Andrews is demanding thatthe G4S management come forward and assistthe police detectives inthe investigations.
The armoured G4S vehicle andthe escort vehicle have fingerprints and are now withthe police forensic unit.
Mr Andrews has warned big commercial banks and business houses to be cautious ofthe security firmsthey engage intheir businesses and to utilisethe services ofthe RoyaPNG Constabulary when transferring huge sums of money.
He said police personnel are readily available andthey should call for assistance whenthey want to do money transfers and banking.
Caption: Assistant Police Commander for NCD Central Jim Andrews.