Landowners of the Hidden Valley gold mine have given Morobe Mining Joint Venture 14 days to respond to their demands or they will shut the mine down.
Amongst their demands, landowners want equal participation in contracts given out by Hidden Valley Services. Nakuwi Landowner Association President, Rex Mauri, says Hidden Valley Services isn’t giving out contracts to landowners.
They’ve also demanded for the Wau exploration base to reopen and a proper Landowner Business development plan is made for the company to follow.
He says the mine is illegal, operating without an MOA and landowners are being by-passed when the mine gives out contracts. It’s understood that the MOA is still in review with the Minerals Resource Authority.
Mauri says an entity of MMJV – Hidden Valley Services – has become the regulating body for contracts given out.
Meanwhile, MMJV says they still have a mining license and continue to operate to fulfil its obligations stated in the MOA.
They say the MOA is not expired; it is a living document which is currently being reviewed.