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Picture of Papua  Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Landowners in a media conference to express their concerns. PICTURE SUPPLIED.

The Papua  Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Landowners in Gulf Province have called on the mass resignation of their government leaders.

According to the landowners, the members including three Gulf MPs, all Southern region PANGU members because of the ill treatment shown to the people.

Their comments were made in a press conference hosted by the MEPO landowner company and other Gulf LNG corridor landowners yesterday.

Their concerns made in regards to the recent financial instructions from the treasurer, diverting funds amounting to K60 million as Business Development Grant meant for Gulf Province  to the Enga Provincial Government.

Landowner Group MEPO chairman Dominic Evere led a group of concerned Gulf landowners and supporters by sent out a warning to the Pangu led government for the ill treatment shown to the people of Gulf and Southern region.

“In the last few days, we are surprised and shocked to learn that our Business Development Grants are now written to Enga Provincial Government,”

Mr. Evere raised questions regarding the matter.

“Why did the Prime Minister in his wisdom direct his treasurer to write a letter to his secretary to make a warrant to release this money to Enga Provincial Government?”

“Does the Prime Minister, the Secretary, and the Treasurer know the rules and laws that govern the finance management act and the rules and laws that govern the budgetary appropriation?”  Mr Evere questioned.

“When money is appropriated for a certain project, it has to go to that project, but this is a clear sign of misappropriation,” he added.

  • They demanded PM to return our monies. Stop all the misuse and follow the laws.
  • They demand Gulf leaders to resign and leave the Pangu led government.
  • They demand Police Fraud squad and the Ombudsman Commission to arrest the treasurer and his Secretary for signing the letter for the grants to be released.
  • They demand the treasurer and the secretary  to be arrested for misappropriation.
  • They demand for all Southern Papuan MPs  from Western, Gulf, NCD, Central, Milne Bay and Oro provinces to do a mass resignation from the PANGU led government.

“Our resources are being used yet, and we are not recognized.

“Enough is enough. Put an end to all these misappropriation. We want to tell the Prime Minister and Treasurer in no uncertain terms to return our funds that belong to us,” Mr. Evere said.

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