The Royal PNG Constabulary (RPNGC) has been underfunded over many years until last year, when it received better funding allocation.
This was revealed by the Police Commissioner Tom Kulunga this morning during a business breakfast at the Royal Papua Yacht Club in Port Moresby.
Commissioner Kulunga said facilities for the police force have long been in need of maintenance, and these are now able to be fixed with improved Government funding.
The Law and Order sector was allocated K1.3 billion funding in the 2014 Budget that was handed down last year.
Commissioner Kulunga stated this morning that a 2004 Review Report required the police force to implement 61 recommendations to better serve the communities.
However, this has hardly been achieved due to insufficient funding assistance and limited manpower.
Kulunga also highlighted the appalling conditions of the police force, particularly police stations and housing, for over many years.
Increase in the number of police personnel was also a point of discussion with Commissioner Kulunga expressing concern in the increase in the number.
During question time, women in the police force were emphasised, with Reforms Acting Assistant Commissioner, Joanne Clarkson, explaining the matter.
Ms. Clarkson said the numbe of women in the police force at the moment is 532.
When they launched Equal Employment Opportunities Policy back in 2006, they built into the recruitment policy that there must be a 25% quota per intake. That has meant that one out of every four recruits is female.